An election is looming,
choosing our leaders is a time to reflect
on the priorities we wish to see in our world.
How do you choose?
I hope we have the courage to choose the people
who are closest to the best version of our selves.
The prophets and spiritual guides tell us:
“We are one.”
“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me.”
“Love your neighbor.”
“Love your enemy.”
“Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
The best insights into the human spirit will give us pause. They present us with a challenge.
Do I REALLY want to “turn the other cheek”?
Can I really LOVE that neighbor who seems to spew hate and anger towards me?
Can I FORGIVE someone who stole from me? Or tried to harm someone I love?
When we choose our leaders, we have a chance to answer these questions.
Some candidates tell us to be fearful of others… to watch out for ourself… to be suspicious of others.
This appeals to our ego… our watchdog of individualism… of me, Me, ME!
It feels strong. It feels safe. It feels exclusive.
It only requires that we look out for Number One.
Other candidates encourage us to be joyful… to celebrate our rainbow of diversity … to rejoice in being part of the human species – and to work towards a healthy planet for all beings.
It feels promising. It feels energizing. It feels inclusive.
It requires faith, courage, patience and tolerance.
This little blue marble of a planet is hoping we choose the path of our best selves.
A diverse earth – generated by ChatGPT